The Aft Frame & Decking

Back to the fore deck ...


Framing in the final phase of the deck.


As it passes the front, it will probably swing out to allow walking around the tongue and meet with another deck on the other side.


It must support any number of people and carry the weight of the front of the trailer.

The decking will follow the contour of the rocks so the framing must also nearly meet the rocks. Actual contact would encourage rot & insect penetration.


The decking will hang over the smaller rocks ahead for access to the wash, so the framing must carry the weight of a person standing on that overhang. It may need more.


As seen from the wash.

Eventually, the “tent” on the right may be replaced with an actual workshop/office.



These 2x4s are not really adequate by themselves, but notched so that they lock together when weight is applied makes them stronger.

A few feet to the left, this short 2x4 also grips the longer 2x4 as it fits down into a notch in the short one.



The 3 notched 2x4s are visible here. The decking that will be laid perpendicular to this decking will serve to spread the weight from the 2x4s to the adjacent 2x8 (under this decking) & 2x6.


A new load of decking has been dipped and brushed in a 50/50 mix of linseed oil and mineral spirits.


As I am this decking in the rear, I am also painting the roof of the trailer in a rush to get these done before our day of departure.

The tent is jacked up to make room for laying and trimming the decking to the right (in the shadow; study the next photo).


A composite of 4 shots depicting the layout of this end of the uncompleted deck & frame prior to our departure.

Packed and ready to go, the tent is uncovered and both trailers are loaded and locked awaiting our return, hopefully in about 6 months. Also, the water valves are shut off at the tank (behind me) and the trailer tongue is lowered to encourage rain to run off.




I did get the roof painted.




Return to the fore deck ...


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